
7 Key Points About Payroll Processing Services!

Payroll perhaps is the least favorite task of any employer. However, with the introduction on RTI, Employer Allowance, Statutory Benefits, Legislative changes and of course Work Place Pensions – things have become increasingly more difficult. Payroll is no longer all about payslips. It is much more. And no matter what they say, managing payroll even a small two-person business is no piece of cake either. So, to effectively manage your payroll what are the things you need to ensure a complaint with the legislative requirements? Let’s take a quick look: When do you need to apply for PAYE registration? PAYE is the abbreviated version of Pay as You Earn which is the system through which HM Revenue and Customs collects tax. But as an employer, you only need to put your employees on a payroll if. Your employees earn over £120 or more in a week, receive expense and benefits, work someplace else or are in receipt of a pension But even if the above is not the case – you certainly must